Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Adventures with Neysha
Your Guide: Todd Williams

Well here is one to remember. This weekend. Nyesha came in from the Rouge, and we showed here how we kick it around here for the next three days. The first night we checkd out Chance Fisher, and the show was jammin. They did a good job, especially when they covered the Beatles song "Don't Let Me Down. The whole crew was there to get their fix of music, and the bar was like a nice family reunion. But watch out when you get the Chance Fisher family together, somethings bound to happen. Dustin found a little something to kiss on, but I don't think that it she was ready. Later on D-love passed out in the car and we took pics but cannot put them up.

Saturday went by like a shit through a goose. We started at Chile's before lunch, and sat in familyland as opposed to the bar area. The manager was quite persistant upon us ordering lunch meanwhile, we were primarily worried about the liquids. We made it out of there without causing too much ruckus, and the waitress there was real cool about all that.

On Sunday we chilled and still had a few totties.

Here is pic of Neysha chilling out at Pride Field where we were tossing around the frisbee.

Here is the baller on top of the world.

I wonder what there talking about? I wonder what Jeff is thinking? Ozone depletion, global warming, race less socities???

Nyesha had a little extended stay with parents permission, and we continued entertaining our guest. Kendon came by for a little while and we even got a rare pic of him.
On Sunday the girls, Neysha and Danielle started to hit the Tequilla and let's see what that brings about...
Lest we forget about the vertically challenged

Redcloud looks a little preoccupied here
We had a great time this weekend eventhough it went by like on long day.

I'm pondering the meaning of life... as it pertains to my gut. Redcloud?
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